Using -ing/-ed Correctly 正確使用-ing/-ed
Many verbs can be used as adjectives, ending either in -ing or -ed. These are called present participle and past participle respectively. An -ing verb can also be regarded as a gerund when it functions more or less like a noun. Students need to learn how to use the correct verb form in their sentences. 許多動詞可以用作形容詞,以 -ing 或 -ed 結尾。它們分別稱為現在分詞和過去分詞。當 -ing 動詞的功能或多或少像名詞時,它也可以被視為動名詞。學生需要學習怎樣在句子中使用正確的動詞形式。 Can you complete the following story using the correct verb form in each blank? Use either the -ing or the -ed form. 你能在每個空白處使用正確的動詞形式完成下面的故事嗎? 使用 -ing 或 -ed 形式。 I went camping last summer with some friends and had an unforgettable experience. The camp site was ____ (1. locate) at the edge of a jungle and we had to climb over a mountain to get there. Since I was not the athletic type, I was already ____ (2. exhaust) before I reached the top. However, when I saw the ____ (3. breath/ take) view from the ridge, I thought the climb was really worth the while. It would be a magnificent view ____ (4. imprint) in my mind forever. The descent from the peak was much more ____ (5. relax) but dangers were ____ (6. lurk) everywhere, especially when we stepped on the soft mud. I slipped and nearly fell twice on the sludge. Getting lost in the ____ (7. tangle) thorny bush was quite ____ (8. frustrate) and I felt that we would never reach our destination. Yet, the moment we got to a little brook, I had the feeling that we had left the ____ (9. un/end) maze. We walked along the ____ (10. wind) river and reached our camp site eventually. 去年夏天我和一些朋友一起去露營,是一次難忘的經歷。營地位於叢林邊緣,我們必須翻山越嶺才能到達那裡。因為我不是運動型的,還沒到山頂就已經筋疲力盡了。然而,當我從山脊看到令人嘆為觀止的景色時,我覺得這次攀登真的很值得。那將是永遠烙印在我腦海中的壯麗景色。 下山的過程輕鬆多了,但危險無處不在,尤其是踩到軟泥時。我兩次差點滑倒在泥濘上。

Answer and Analysis 答案與分析
Note that when a verb has irregular past form, its past participle may not end in -ed (Examples:
upset - upset - upset / break - broke - broken). Some -ing / -ed words are so commonly used that they are listed as adjectives in dictionaries. 請注意,當動詞具有不規則過去式時,其過去分詞可能不會以 -ed 結尾 (例如:upset - upset - upset / break - broke - broken)。一些 -ing / -ed 詞非常普通,以至於它們在字典中被列為形容詞。
1. located 位於
• The hot spring is located on the outskirts of the town. 溫泉位於鎮外。
2. exhausted 精疲力竭的
• She started to turn and twist in bed, too exhausted to sleep. 她累得睡不著覺,開始在床上輾轉反側。
3. breathtaking 壯觀的, 令人讚歎的
• I was attracted by the breathtaking view from the landscape kiosk. 我被景觀亭的壯麗景色所吸引。
4. imprinted 烙印在
• She closed her eyes, savouring the sweet memories imprinted upon her mind. 她閉上眼睛,細細品味著印在腦海中的甜蜜回憶。
5. relaxing 輕鬆的
• There were only a few customers in the café. The waitress was attentive and the atmosphere was relaxing. 咖啡館裡只有幾個顧客。女服務員很細心,氣氛很輕鬆。
6. lurking 潛伏, 無處不在
• Snakes might be lurking in the undergrowth. 蛇可能潛伏在灌木叢中。
7. tangled 糾纏的, 糾結的
• Peering through the tangled branches, we suddenly saw the castle towering into the sky. 透過雜亂的樹枝,我們突然看到了高聳入雲的城堡。
8. frustrating 令人沮喪的
• It was frustrating to work with someone who took an idle attitude. 與態度懶散的人一起工作令人沮喪。
9. unending 永無止境的
• Walking through unending sand dunes for tens of miles, we didn’t know where the journey would end. 穿過幾十英里無盡的沙丘,我們不知道旅程會在哪裡結束。
10. winding 蜿蜒的
• We continued along a winding path towards the river. 我們沿著一條蜿蜒的小路向著河流前進。
There is a type of participle adjective which is not difficult to learn. We use -ed to refer to people’s feelings whereas we use -ing to refer to an event that generates that feeling. 有一種分詞形容詞並不難學。我們使用 -ed 描述人們的感受,用 -ing 描述產生這種感受的事件。
• We all felt dejected when we heard the bad news. 聽到壞消息時,我們都感到沮喪。
• The bad news was dejecting for every one of us. 壞消息讓我們每個人都感到沮喪。
The following pairs of adjectives can be used in this manner: 以下形容詞可以以這種方式使用:
disappointed / disappointing
excited / exciting
satisfied / satisfying
stunned / stunning
frustrated / frustrating
surprised / surprising
amazed / amazing